Former directors

Institute at a glance

Director's Office
Scientific Council
Board of Governors

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Prof. A. Peterlin, Ph. D.

In just a few decades the Jožef Stefan Institute has expanded from its beginnings as the Physical Institute (led by prof. Anton Peterlin) as part of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, to being the leading scientific research establishment in Slovenia.


Prof. Anton Peterlin, Ph. D., founder director 1949-1955
Karol Kajfež, 1955-1958
Lucijan Šinkovec, 1959-1963
Prof. Milan Osredkar, Ph. D., 1963-1975
Prof. Boris Frlec, Ph. D., 1975-1984
Prof. Tomaž Kalin, Ph. D., 1984-1992
Prof. Danilo Zavrtanik, Ph. D., 1992-1996
Prof. Vito Turk, Ph. D., 1996-2005
Prof. Jadran Lenarčič, Ph. D., 2005-2020 - Website

J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00