7NMR Options List
version 3.19.2 (6.12.2009)
Writing FID to disk
O_WRSEG=1 - write the averaged segment [SEGDATA] - for multisegmented acquisition
O_NWRDAT=1 - don't write [DATA] - useful in combination with O_WRSEG
O_WRDZG=1 - allow to write data during acquisition (during ZG)
O_SUBBASE=1 - substract BASE signal from the acquired signal
WRWARN=1 - warn not to overwrite a data file
WRPPFILE=1 - write pulse program to DAT file (in [PPFILE] section)
Connection between Synth and Larmor frequencies
- FR_MIX - mixing frequency of the spectrometer (in MHz)
- FR_MULT - multiplication factor as used in formulas below:
FR_LARM = FR_MULT * FR_SYNT - FR_MIX FR_SYNT = (FR_LARM+FR_MIX)/FR_MULT Current options for IJS NMR: FR_MULT = 1, FR_MIX = 400.7
Tip: change the sign of FR_MULT if you need inverse FT
Not yet written. But I have good intention. Honestly.