## page was renamed from ARK #format wiki #acl Default #language en || ~-<>-~ <
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> '''11th International Symposium<
>June 22 - 26, 2008, Batz-sur-Mer, France''' <
>'''Organized by'''<
>Institut de Recherche en Communications et Cybernetique de Nantes, France<
> in collaboration with J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia<
>'''Under patronage of'''<
> IFToMM International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science<
> <
> ''' ~-[[attachment:Flyer.pdf|ARK Flyer (pdf)]] -~ '''<
>{{attachment:Slika1.jpg}} <
>~- ARK is a series of international symposia organized every two years. The first symposium was organised in 1988. The objective is to provide a forum for researchers working in robot kinematics and to stimulate new directions of research by forging links between robot kinematics and other areas. The topics are as follows:<
> <
> '''Analysis of robot kinematics <
>Modeling and simulation of robot kinematics <
>Design of robot kinematics <
> Kinematics in robot control <
> Theories and methods in kinematics <
>Singularity and isotropy <
> Kinematics in biological systems <
> Kinematics of parallel robots, redundant robots, multi-arm robots <
> <
> [[http://au.franceguide.com/|Visit France]]'''-~ <
> ||