## page was renamed from Complex Matter #format wiki #acl Default #language en || [[JSI|Home]] || [[Research departments]]<
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>|| ||{{attachment:F7/Stefan.jpg}} <
> ''' The research within the department of Complex Matter encompasses a variety of research fields, ranging from the synthesis of new materials to fundamental investigations of elementary excitations, self-organising behaviour and adaptive functionality in complex systems. These include anything from nano-biosystems and biomolecules to superconductors and nanowires. The experimental methods used are suitably diverse, from synthetic chemistry to biomedicine, femtosecond laser spectroscopy and magnetometry. <
>The experimental research within the department is strongly supported by theory. Recently, the research activities on new nanomaterials and nanotechnology, such as nanolithography were greatly expanded. Apart from fundamental research, some viable applications have also emerged, particularly in the field of new nanomaterials such as MOsix nanowires.<
> {{attachment:F7/zicke.jpg}} <
> The Department is also involved in the [[Center of Excellence for Nanotehnology]] <
>''' || <> <
> || ||~-Institut "Jožef Stefan", Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Telefon: (01) 477 39 00, Faks.: (01) 251 93 85<
> info@ijs.si -~ || = F7 - Complex Matter = Please visit https://complex.ijs.si/