## page was renamed from Condensed Matter Physics #format wiki #acl Default #language en || [[JSI|Home]] || [[Research departments]]<
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> ''' The research program is focused on the study of the structure and dynamics of disordered and partially ordered condensed matter at the atomic and molecular level with special emphasis on phase transitions. The purpose of these investigations is to discover the basic laws of physics governing the behavior of these systems, which represent the link between perfectly ordered crystals on one side and amorphous matter, soft condensed matter and living systems on the other. <
>An important part of the research program is devoted to the development of new experimental methods and techniques in the field of magnetic resonance, magnetic resonance imaging, scanning tunneling, electronic and atomic force microscopy, as well as dielectric relaxation spectroscopy and dynamic specific heat measurements. <
> ''' || <> <
>|| ||~-J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00<
> info@ijs.si -~ ||