|| [[JSI| Institute at a glance]] <
>[[V001/JSI|eNewsJSI]] || [[More about the Jožef Stefan Institute|More about the Institute]] <
>[[More about the Institute's reactor centre]]<
>[[Jožef Stefan En|More about physicist Jožef Stefan]]<
> <
> || ||{{attachment:Zgodovina/his1.jpg}} <
> ~-''' From its earliest days the Institute has been actively involved in the field of medical science. In 1955, with the assistance of of its nuclear physicists, the first patient was treated with radiation therapy. Over the next twenty years, a further two thousand cancer patients were able to receive similar treatments. '''-~|| [[Evolvement of research areas]] <
> [[History|History in brief]]<
> [[Jožef Stefan Days]]<
> [[Golden Emblem|Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem Prize]]<
> <
> <> <
> || ||~-J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00<
> info@ijs.si -~ ||