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> ~-'''The title of Honorary Member of the Jožef Stefan Institute is granted to individuals in a recognition of their important achievements in the Institute's research work or for exceptional merit in the establishment of the Institute in Slovenia and abroad. <
>Title of Associate Member of the Jožef Stefan Institute is granted to researchers in recognition of a successful cooperation with the Institute. <
> <
>'''Prof. Robert Blinc''', President of the Scientific Council <
> '''Prof. Jean-Marie Dubois''', Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS and Université Lorraine, Nancy <
> '''Prof. Boris Frlec''', Director of the Jožef Stefan Institute 1975-1984<
>'''Prof. Robert Huber''', Nobel Prize Winner, Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, München, Nemčija<
>'''Prof. Milan Osredkar''', Director of the Jožef Stefan Institute 1963-1975 (1919-2003) <
>'''Prof. Anton Peterlin''', Founder and first Director of the Jožef Stefan Institute 1949-1955 (1908-1993) <
> '''Prof. Vito Turk''', Director of Jožef Stefan Institute 1996-2005 <
> <
> <
> <
>'''Prof. David C. Ailion''', University of Utah, Salt lake City, Utah, USA<
>'''Prof. Neil Bartlett''', University of California, Berkeley, California, USA<
>'''Prof. John H. Beynon''', University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom<
>'''Prof. Wolfram Bode''', Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, München, Germany<
>'''Prof. Oscar D. Bonner''', University of South Calorina, Columbia, South Carolina, ZDA<
>'''Horst Borrmann, Ph. D.''', Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany<
>'''Prof. Henrik Buchowsky''', Politechnika Warszawska, Warshaw, Poland<
>'''Prof. Joseph W. Doane''', Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA<
>'''Prof. Hans Fritz''', Universität München, München, Germany<
>'''Prof. Oskar Glemser''', Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany<
>'''Prof. Paul Hagenmuller''', Université de Bordeaux I, Bordeaux, France<
>'''Prof. John Holloway''', University of Leicester, United Kingdom<
>'''Prof. dr. Rudolf Hoppe''', Universität Giessen, Giessen, Germany<
>'''Prof. Robert J. Jaeger''', National Institute of Disability and rehabilitation research, US Department of Education, Washington, D. C., USA<
>'''Prof. Nikola Kallay''', Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Croatia<
>'''Prof. Nobuhiko Katanuma''', Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima, Japan<
>'''Prof. Raymond Kind''', ETH, Zürich, Switzerland<
>'''Prof. Jože Koller''', Natioanl Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia<
>'''Prof. Rüdiger Mews''', Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany<
>'''Prof. Donald Michie''', Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom<
>'''Fani Milia, Ph. D.''', National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", Atens, Grece<
>'''Prof. Tsuyoshi Nakajima''', Aichi Institute of technology, Toyota, Japan<
>'''Prof. Vincenzo Parenti-Castelli''', Università degli studi di Bologna, Bologna, Italy<
>'''Prof. Herbert W. Roesky''', Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany<
>'''Prof. John A. Rupley''', The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA<
>'''Prof. Findlay E. Russell''', The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA<
>'''Prof. Hugo V. Schmidt''', Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA<
>'''Prof. Neil W. Tanner''', University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom<
>'''Alain Tressaud, Ph. D.''', Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux, CNRS, Pessac, France<
>'''Prof. Vlado Valković''', Zagreb, Croatia<
>'''Prof. John Waugh''', M. I. T., Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA<
>|| ||~-J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00<
> info@ijs.si -~ ||