## page was renamed from Secretariat/Legal & Personnel
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'''Human Resources ― U2 ''' <
> <
'''Vodja kadrovske službe'''<
Urška Pelcar, BSc Sociology, Urska.Pelcar@ijs.si<
Phone: 040 352 599<
Room: U123 (Tržaška)<
[[https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Znotraj%20hi%C5%A1e#Znotraj_hi.2BAWE-e.2FDesno.KADROVSKA_SLU.2BAX0-BA|Human Resources website]]<
Sara Ugrin, MSc in Sociology and MSc in Pedagogy, Sara.Ugrin@ijs.si<
Job description: equal opportunities, ethical aspects and peaceful resolution of disputes<
Phone: 070 452 273<
Room: U183a (Tržaška)<
Klavdija Šinkovec Tomsich, univ. dipl. soc. and MBA, Klavdija.Sinkovec.Tomsich@ijs.si<
Job description: organizational development and projects<
Phone: 070 426 644<
Room: U108 (Tržaška)<
Milena Avsenak, univ. dipl. nov., Milena.Avsenak@ijs.si<
Job description: concluding and terminating employment, medical examinations (upon first employment)<
Phone: 070 770 298<
Room: U120 Tržaška<
Meta Bogataj, univ. dipl. org., Meta.Bogataj@ijs.si<
Job description: employment of foreigners, regulation of employment relationships (extensions, changes)<
Phone: 040 860 131<
Room: U106 (Tržaška)<
Barbara Ida Gorjanc, univ. dipl. soc. kult. and prof. fil., Barbara.Gorjanc@ijs.si<
Job description: health insurance, maternity leave, injuries at work and outside work, absences from work<
Phone: (01) 477 32 41, 070 580 391<
Room: U121 (Tržaška)<
Maja Kološa, BSc Translator of English and German Maja.Kolosa@ijs.si<
Job description: employment - young researchers, postgraduate studies of young researchers, habilitations, mailing list of MR and mentors, MR statistics<
Phone: (01) 477 35 55, 070 679 664<
Room: U169 (Tržaška)<
Tamara Hrabar Vovk, BSc in Law, Tamara.Hrabar.Vovk@ijs.si<
Job description: labor law, employment contracts, employment relations<
Phone: 070 629 913<
Room: U183a (Tržaška)<
Mateja Meden Šerbelj, univ. dipl. soc., Mateja.Meden.Serbelj@ijs.si<
Job description: length of service, horizontal promotions of workers<
Phone: 070 407 533<
Room: U104 (Tržaška)<
Amina Nikočević, Social Sciences, Amina.Nikocevic@ijs.si<
Job description: concluding agreements on the regulation of employment rights, arranging employment contracts for work from home, student service, compulsory internship<
Telephone: 070 489 524<
Room: U106 (Tržaška)<
Manuela Pergar, BSc in Social Sciences and BSc in German – Translator, Manuela.Pergar@ijs.si<
Job description: overtime, copyright contracts, work contracts, HR controlling and process development<
Phone: (01) 477 37 00, 051 382 355<
Room: U121 (Tržaška)<
Maja Rebolj, spec., Maja.Rebolj@ijs.si<
Job description: statistics, public call for mentors of young researchers, public call for young researchers, official apartments for young researchers, young researchers from the economy, postgraduate study of associates, single card of the JSI, JSI commissions, education IJS<
Telephone: (01) 477 32 42, 041 769 203<
Room: U110 (Tržaška)<
Marija Remškar, univ. dipl. lit. comp., Marija.Remskar@ijs.si<
Job description: conclusion and termination of employment, insurance of employees abroad, consent for supplementary employment, medical examinations (upon first employment)<
Phone: 070 822 863<
Room: U106 (Tržaška)<
Jerneja Renčelj, spec., (temporarily absent) Jerneja.Rencelj@ijs.si<
Job description: horizontal promotions of employees, preparation of annexes to projects, conclusion of employment for foreigners<
Phone: (01) 477 38 26, 070 658 038<
Room: U118 (Tržaška)<
Edina Šekić, Social Sciences, Edina.Sekic@ijs.si<
Job description: renewal of residence permits for foreigners, temporary residence permits, agreements and hosting agreements, letters of guarantee, archive<
Phone: 070 609 883<
Room: U118 (Tržaška)<
Nikolaja Vuletić, BSc in Social Sciences, Nika.Vuletic@ijs.si<
Job description: foreigners (temporary residence permit, copyright and hosting agreements, scholarship agreements for foreigners, letters of guarantee)<
Phone: 070 459 179<
Room: U119 (Tržaška)<
Polona Vuletić, Polona.Vuletic@ijs.si<
Job description: ARRS register, professional development abroad, co-financing of Ad-Futura, undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships of the JSI, undergraduate studies of associates, foreign language courses, IAESTE-internships at the JSI, obituaries<
Phone: 070 476 656<
Room: U119 (Tržaška)<