## page was renamed from Physical and Organic Chemistry K3/EquipmentRight
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'''RESEARCH EQUIPMENT''' ( [[K3/Aparature|{{https:/slike/flag-sl.png|Slovensko}}]] ) ----
* ''Experimental equipment:''
* Potentiostat/galvanostat with electrochemical impedance ''Autolab Model PSTAT12''
* Potentiostat/galvanostat with electrochemical impedance ''Autolab Model PSTAT302N'' (year 2010)
* Potentiostat/galvanostat ''PAR Model 273'' and ''Solartron FRA''
* Potentiostat/galvanostat ''PAR Model 263A''
* Potentiostat/galvanostat ''PAR Model 2263'' (year 2008)
* Multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat ''Autolab Model M204'' (year 2017)
* Rotating disk electrode ''Autolab''
* Electrochemical microbalance ''Maxtek PM 710''
* Polarography ''Methrom 663 VA Stand (MMEpro)''
* Salt spray chamber ''ASCOTT''
* Stereo microscope ''Olympus SZH10'' and ''Zeiss DV4''
* Confocal microscope ''Zeiss Axio CSM 700 ''
* Profilometer ''Bruker DektakXT'' co-ownership with F3 Department (year 2013)
* Spin-coater ''Laurell WS-650HZ-23NPP/LITE/IND'' (year 2011)
* Dip-coater ''Bungard Bell RDC 15''
* Adhesion tester ''Elcometer 510 Model''
* Atomic Layer Deposition - ALD '' Beneq TFS 200 '' ([[ http://www.nanocenter.si/index.php?page=ald | CENN Nanocenter]])
* Gas chromatograph ''Perkin Elmer Clarus 500''
* Melting point determination system '' Butchi M-560''
* Thermostatic systems ''Julabo''
* UV/VIS spectrometer ''Perkin Elmer lamba 25''
* HPLC ''Perkin Elmer Flexar + fraction collector'' (cipkebip)
* in-situ ATR IR sond ''Mettlet Toledo react 45'' (cipkebip)
* pilot reactor ''Mettlet Toledo Easy Max 102 '' + controled with '' iControl Easy Max '' (cipkebip)
* Access to all modern instruments for structure determination of organic molecules
* ''Parallel computer system:''
* ''Beowulf'' type cluster (number of CPU cores: 788, memory: 2768 GB, disk: 54 TB, operating system: GNU/Debian)
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