## page was renamed from Physical and Organic Chemistry K3/RodicRight
'''Dr. TEREZIJA POŽENEL KOVAČIČ''', ''researcher'' ( [[K3/PozenelKovacic|{{https:/slike/flag-sl.png|Slovensko}}]] ) -----
## '''Personal'''
||<|4> {{attachment:K3-en/TerezijaPozenelKovacic.jpg}} ||''Address:'' || Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry<
>Jožef Stefan Institute <
>Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia||
||''Phone:'' || +386 1 4773 426 ||
||''E-mail:'' || terezija.pozenel.kovacic@ijs.si ||
'''Education''' <
* Ph. D. in Metallurgy, 2021, University of Ljubljana <
* B. Sc. in Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, 2012, University of Ljubljana <
'''Scientific and professional carrier''' <
* 2023– Postdoctoral researcher at JSI <
* 2015–2021 - PhD student, University of Ljubljana <
* 2012–2023 - Associate for development and research project manager in automotive industry <
'''Scientific interest''' <
* Influence of impurities and thermodynamic conditions of solidification on the electrical properties of Al alloys <
* Corrosion processes on metal surfaces and influences of nonequilibrium solidification conditions on metal electrochemical properties <
''' Bibliograhy''' <
* Personal bibliography can be obtained from ''Cobiss.si''; [[ http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss/bibliography?code=35874&langbib=eng&sciif=on" | click here]] and wait a bit.<