K3-en / XieRight

Dr. Chenyang Xie, postdoc researcher ( Slovensko )



Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


+386 1 477 3338


Scientific and professional carrier

Scientific interest

Research Web page

Selected papers

  1. C. Xie, I. Milošev, F.U. Renner, A. Kokalj, P. Bruna, D. Crespo, Corrosion resistance of crystalline and amorphous CuZr alloys in NaCl aqueous environment and effect of corrosion inhibitors, J. Alloys Compd. 879 (2021) 160464. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160464.

  2. C. Xie, J. Han, J. Tang, F. Sun, K. Ogle, The spontaneous passivation of (CoFeNi)(1-x)/3Crx alloys in sulfuric acid, Corros. Sci. 239 (2024) 112383. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2024.112383.

  3. C. Xie, J. Han, F. Sun, K. Ogle, The spontaneous passivation of multi principal element alloys II: The effect of Mn in the CoCrFeNiMn family, Corros. Sci. 244 (2025) 112642. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2024.112642.

  4. A. Kokalj, M. Lozinšek, B. Kapun, P. Taheri, S. Neupane, P. Losada-Pérez, C. Xie, S. Stavber, D. Crespo, F. U. Renner, A. Mol, I. Milošev, Simplistic correlations between molecular electronic properties and inhibition efficiencies: Do they really exist? Corros. Sci. (2020) 108856. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2020.108856.

  5. A. Kokalj, C. Xie, I. Milošev, D. Crespo, How relevant are molecular electronic parameters for predicting corrosion inhibition efficiency: imidazoles as corrosion inhibitors of Cu/Zr materials in NaCl solution, Corros. Sci. 193 (2021) 109900. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2021.109900.

  6. Y. Hou, B. Dou, C. Xie, F. Sun, S. Rioual, B. Lescop, K. Ogle, A. Miche, O. Gharbi, M. Turmine, V. Vivier, On the corrosion resistance of the CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys in chloride-containing sulfuric acid solutions, Appl. Surf. Sci. 681 (2025) 161487. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.161487.

  7. Y. Chen, L. Soler, C. Xie, X. Vendrell, J. Serafin, D. Crespo, J. Llorca, A straightforward method to prepare supported Au clusters by mechanochemistry and its application in photocatalysis, Appl. Mater. Today. 21 (2020) 100873. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2020.100873.