||[[attachment:6.jpg|{{attachment:6.jpg|Slika|width="80px" }}|&do=get]]|| '''PHILIPPE MARCUS - Kratek življenjepis'''<
>Prof. dr. Philippe Marcus je direktor raziskav na CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in vodja Raziskovalne skupine za fizikalno kemijo površin na Institutu de Recherche de Chimie Paris, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, Chimie !ParisTech, v Franciji. Profesor Marcus je doktoriral leta 1979 na Univerzi Pierra in Marie Curie v Parizu. Njegovo področje raziskav obsega kemijo in elektrokemijo površin ter raziskave korozije s poudarkom na razumevanju struktur in lastnostmi površin kovin in zlitin. O odmevnosti njegovih številnih publikacij priča h-indeks, ki znaša 66. Prof. Marcus je prejemnik številnih nagrad in priznanj, kot so Uhlig Award ter Olin Palladium Award (Electrochemical Society), European Corrosion Medal (European Federation of Corrosion), Willis Rodney Whitney Award (NACE International), Cavallaro Medal (European Federation of Corrosion), U.R. Evans Award (UK Institute of Corrosion) in Lee Hsun Award (Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences). Je izvoljen član v Electrochemical Society in International Society of Electrochemistry ter prejemnik ERC Advanced Grant. <
>[[V001/StefanoviDnevi2018|Nazaj]]||'''PHILIPPE MARCUS - Short Biography'''<
>Prof. dr. Philippe Marcus is Director of Research at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and Head of the Research Group of Physical Chemistry of Surfaces of Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, Chimie !ParisTech, France. Prof. Marcus received his Ph. D. in 1979 from University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris. His field of research is surface chemistry, surface electrochemistry, and corrosion science, with emphasis on the understanding of the structure and properties of metal and alloy surfaces. The impact of his numerous scientific papers is reflected in the h-index of 66. Prof. Marcus has received a number of awards and honours, including the Uhlig Award and the Olin Palladium Award (Electrochemical Society), the European Corrosion Medal (European Federation of Corrosion), the Willis Rodney Whitney Award (NACE International), the Cavallaro Medal (European Federation of Corrosion), the U.R. Evans Award (UK Institute of Corrosion), and the Lee Hsun Award (Institute of Metals Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences). He is an elected Fellow of the Electrochemical Society and of the International Society of Electrochemistry, and the recipient of ERC Advanced Grant. <
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