|| '''INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION'''|| ---- || 10th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME|| * [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0104.pdf|JSI position paper on 10th Framework Programme|target="_blank",&do=get]] * [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0104slo.pdf|JSI position paper on 10th Framework Programme (Slovenian version)|target="_blank",&do=get]] * [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0105.pdf|JSI and NIC position paper on 10th Framework Programme|target="_blank",&do=get]] || EU FRAMEWORK PROGRAMMES|| * [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0101.pdf|JSI IN HORIZON 2020|target="_blank",&do=get]] * [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0102.pdf|JSI IN HORIZON EUROPE|target="_blank",&do=get]] * [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0103.pdf|JSI IN EURATOM|target="_blank",&do=get]] || [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0111.pdf|OTHER INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES|target="_blank",&do=get]]|| || [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0112.pdf|INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COOPERATION|target="_blank",&do=get]]|| || [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0113.pdf|BILATERAL AGREEMENTS|target="_blank",&do=get]]|| || [[attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/0114.pdf|JSI ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS|target="_blank",&do=get]]|| || [[MednarodnoSodelovanje/Interno|INTERNAL (Support for JSI researchers and others in applying for projects)]]|| ---- || The Jožef Stefan Institute engages in a wide-ranging international collaboration, encompassing various research areas and types. While our primary geographical focus is within European countries, we have established a diverse range of collaborations globally. <
> The Jožef Stefan Institute places significant emphasis on the European Union's multi year Framework Programmes. Currently, we are involved in projects under Horizon 2020 (2014–2020), Horizon Europe (2021–2027) and the Euratom Research and Training Programme. Moreover, our scientific research extends to numerous sector specific programs of the European Commission, such as the Digital Europe Programme and the LIFE programme and in programs beyond European Union, such as programes of the European Space Agency, NATO, and the International Atomic Energy Agency. <
> Our collaborations extend to many academic institutions, including some with whom we have formal bilateral partnership agreements. <
> The Jožef Stefan Institute plays different roles in various associations, which brings numerous responsibilities and opportunities. Involvement in these associations allows Jožef Stefan Institute to:|| * Contribute to excellent scientific research results through the exchange of knowledge and experiences. * Support the development of scientific research activities and improved working conditions by sharing opinions with national and international decision-makers. * Facilitate collaborative opportunities with companies and other research and educational institutions through membership in professional associations. || {{attachment:MednarodnoSodelovanje/Slika1.jpg|Poslanstvo}}|| || For more information please contact romana.jordan@ijs.si and marja.mali@ijs.si||