## page was renamed from Radiation Protection Group #format wiki #acl Default #language en {sl} [[Služba za varstvo pred ionizirajočim sevanjem]] = Radiation Protection Unit (RPU) - SVPIS = E-mail: svpis@ijs.si <
> Address: <
> SVPIS, Jamova 39 <
> SI - 1000 Ljubljana <
> Slovenia == Head == Matjaž Stepišnik, M. Sc. <
> Telephone: +386 1 588 5254 <
> Mobile: +386 31 378 356 <
> Room: P7A == Co-workers == ||'''Name''' ||'''Telphone''' (+386 1 588 + ext.) ||'''''' ||'''Room''' || ||Thomas Breznik ||5396 || ||P1 || ||Tinkara Bučar, PhD ||5207 || ||P3 || ||Mitja Eržen ||5207 || ||P3 || ||Tanja Murn ||5350 || ||F25 || ||Nina Udir, tajnica ||5296 || ||P11 || Personal e-mail addresses are made up like: firstname.lastname@ijs.si. Special characters are substituted with the most alike sign from English alphabeth. == About RPU == RPU has been involved in ionizing-radiation measurements and radiation protection since the beginning of TRIGA Reactor’s operation in 1966. The responsibility of SVPIS is the radiation control of all the activities at the Institute dealing with ionizing radiation. So our main task is the supervision of Reactor and the 17 laboratories that use sources of radiation in their research work. More than a hundred different sources are used, such as sealed sources, open sources, X-ray units and the accelerator TANDETRON, which need regulatory control. <
> RPU is qualified to perform control in medical, industrial and research institutions dealing with open and sealed sources. In industry and research we are also qualified to control X-ray units. The measurements of dose rate and contamination are performed with an accredited method (EN ISO/IEC 17025).