ROSARIO RIZZUTO - Kratek življenjepis
Rosario Rizzuto, dr. med., je profesor splošne patologije. Bil je direktor oddelka za biomedicinske znanosti in član senata univerze v Padovi (Italija). Leta 1992 je postal predavatelj v Padovi, nato pa profesor v Ferrari leta 1998 (kjer je bil direktor mreže Emilia Romagna za genetiko in biotehnologijo, dekan Fakultete za farmacijo in član senata univerze). Leta 2008 se je vrnil na Univerzo v Padovi kot profesor na Medicinski fakulteti. Za rektorja Univerze je bil izvoljen 1. oktobra 2015. Njegovi raziskovalni dosežki se nanašajo na proučevanje celičnega signaliziranja, s posebnim poudarkom na intracelularni homeostazi kalcija. Njegovo delo financira EU (ERC Ideas), dobrodelne organizacije (AIRC, Telethon), državne agencije (FIRB, ministrstvo za zdravje) ter fundacije bank (Cariparo, Cariplo). Je član akademije Europaea in EMBO. Njegov H-indeks je 90.
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ROSARIO RIZZUTO - Short Biography
Rosario Rizzuto graduated in medicine and surgery in 1986 in Padua; after a period abroad he returned to Padua to complete his PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathology. Later he was a researcher in General Pathology (MED / 04) at the University of Padua (1992-1998) and then moved to Ferrara as Associate Professor (1998-2002) and then Full Professor (2002-2008). From 2006 to 2008 he held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Ferrara. In 2008 he returned to Padua where he currently holds the role of Full Professor of General Pathology, Director of the Department of Biomedical Sciences (2009-present) and member of the Academic Senate of the University of Padua (2012-present). From 1 October 2015 he is Rector of the University of Padua. Keywords related to his work are cellular signaling, mitochondria, apoptosis, football, microscopy.
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