MATLAB toolbox for processing of SDF (StelarDataFile) files. The whole toolbox consists of a single m file (SD.M), so to use it, simply copy sd.m to your current working directory. No other variables will polute your workspace.
To initialize some local variables, start with sd ini or sd('ini'). At that that point, two global variables are created:
SDF holds all mesurement data, as read from .sdf file
SDP holds all settings parameters, necessary to run SD toolbox
Command list
SD INI - initialize SD session SD OPEN {filename.sdf} - open SDF file SD OPEN + - next file will be appended SD REOPEN - open last file again SD ZONE {i} - show T1 fit for zone i SD RECALC - RECALCulate all zones SD SHOW SD DIPS SD('DIPS',0, {'R','I','A'}) - 0 means all blocks, SD('DIPS',1:3, 'A') - blocks 1:3, 'A'bsolute SD SET DIR SD EXPORT SD FIDS SD BLOCK SD TEMP SD TDEP SD PLOTT1 SD RECAL2 SD FITFID SD SORT SD DEL SD etc etc many more
Use these paramters to modify SD.M behavior:
SD.IP - Initial Point for FID integration SD.EP - End Point for FID integration (EP=0 means all) SD.IB - Initial BLOCK for FID integration SD.EB - End BLOCK for FID integration (EB=0 means all) SD.ZONEFIT = {0|1} - do fit with zone plots or not SD.FIT2C = {0|1} - let .... .... SDP.FT.SI = 2048; % spectrum size SDP.FT.SHL = 0; % shilft left parameter SDP.FT.PH0 = 0; % phase correction constant SDP.FT.HPP = -1; % not yet defined SDP.FT.BC = 10; % BC 10 points SDP.FT.LB = 0; % line broadening in kHz SDP.FT.PHA = 1; % 1=automatic pha.corr SDP.FT.PHAA = 0; % 1=automatic pha.corr allways SDP.FT.PH0 = 0; % 0 order ph.cor. SDP.FT.PlotFun = @real; SDP.XPAR = 'BRLX'; % x-parameter name for calculations % e.g. BRLAX, TE, .... SDP.XPARUnit = ' (MHz)'; % unit xfor x-axis SDP.DataDir = cd; % Default Data Directory