Ime strani: ARRSProjekti / 2020 / Referenčni eksperiment za validacijo modeliranja odziva jedrske instrumentacije na nevtrone in žarke gama

Referenčni eksperiment za validacijo modeliranja odziva jedrske instrumentacije na nevtrone in žarke gama

Nazaj na seznam za leto 2020

Oznaka in naziv projekta

NC-0015 Referenčni eksperiment za validacijo modeliranja odziva jedrske instrumentacije na nevtrone in žarke gama
NC-0015 Experimental Benchmark for validation of the modelling of neutron and gamma instrumentation

Logotipi ARRS in drugih sofinancerjev

© Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije

Projektna skupina

Vodja projekta: dr. Vladimir Radulović

Sodelujoče raziskovalne organizacije: Povezava na SICRIS

Sestava projektne skupine: Povezava na SICRIS

Vsebinski opis projekta


Osnovni podatki sofinanciranja so dostopni na spletni strani. Povezava na SICRIS.

Faze projekta in opis njihove realizacije

Months 1-6:

- Selection of a location for the Benchmak irradiation

- Monte Carlo calculations of reference (unperturbed) neutron and gamma spectra in the selected location in the JSI TRIGA reactor.

- Definition of the irradiation campaign for calibration of the benchmark location

- Definition of the principle of the irradiation campaign for the experimental benchmark.

- Selection of the sensors to be tested.

- Definition of the irradiation device(s)

Months 7-14:

- Procurement of sensors and dosimeters (calibration included if necessary)

- Execution of experimental measurement campaign for qualification of the Benchmark location in the JSI TRIGA reactor

- Execution of the Benchmark experimental measurement campaign Benchmark in the JSI TRIGA reactor

- Analysis of experimental data to process experimental results (M)

- Development of the CEA neutron and gamma calculation scheme

Months 15-21:

- Modelling of the benchmark experiments (sensors description included) with the CEA and JSI respective modelling schemes to provide calculated results (C).

- Analysis of the results obtained by the CEA and JSI modelling schemes (C/M and C/C).

- Recommendations for instrumentation modelling and analysis for mixed gamma-neutron fields.

Months 22-24

- Submission of the project results for publication (NIM-A, ARI)

- Preparation of the final report

Bibliografske reference

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