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Experimental equipment:
Multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat Autolab/EIS Model M204
Potentiostat/galvanostat PAR 263A and 2263
Rotating disk electrode Autolab
Polarography system Methrom 663 VA Stand (MMEpro)
Optical microscope Olympus BX51
Salt spray chamber ASCOTT
Stereo microscope Olympus SZH10 and Zeiss DV4
Confocal microscope Zeiss Axio CSM 700
Profilometer Bruker DektakXT (co-ownership with F3 Department, year 2013)
Spin-coater Laurell WS-650HZ-23NPP/LITE/IND (year 2011)
Dip-coater Bungard Bell RDC 15
Adhesion tester Elcometer 510 Model
Atomic Layer Deposition equipment ALD Beneq TFS 200 (CENN Nanocenter)
Gas chromatograph Perkin Elmer Clarus 500
UV/VIS spectrometer Perkin Elmer Lambda 25
Melting point determination system Butchi M-560
Thermostatic system Julabo
HPLC Perkin Elmer Flexar + fraction collector
In-situ ATR IR probe Mettler Toledo React IR 45
Pilot reactor Mettler Toledo Easy Max 102 + computer-controlled with iControl Easy Max (cipkebip)
FTIR spectrometer ALPHA II
Viscometer IKA ROTAVISC lo-vi Complete
Beowulf type cluster (number of CPU cores: 788, memory: 2768 GB, disk: 54 TB, operating system: GNU/Debian)